When will I receive the requested information?

Typically, a governmental body must “promptly” produce public information in response to your request. “Promptly” means that a governmental body may take a reasonable amount of time to produce the information and may not delay.

The amount of time reasonably necessary to release information can vary depending on the facts in each case. If a governmental body will take longer than ten (10) business days to produce the requested information, the governmental body must notify you when the information will be released. If the governmental body withholds any of the requested information, then in most cases, the governmental body must request a ruling from the Office of the Attorney General (OAG).

Can I request any Travis County records from you?

No. You must direct your request to the county department that maintains those records. The Public Information Act dictates that each elected county officer is the officer for public information and custodian of their own office’s records. The County Clerk only maintains records regarding areas in which our office is involved (Recording, Civil, Probate, Misdemeanor, Elections and Commissioners Court Minutes). Travis County has a records request portal for information on contacting county departments: https://www.traviscountytx.gov/departments/records-request

What if the information I seek is not on your website?

You can contact the appropriate County Clerk division (Recording, Civil, Probate and Misdemeanor) to request a search and request and pay for copies: Recording Search + Copies of Records. For information regarding Elections (other than Elections results available on the website) please submit your PIA request by email at [email protected], in person, or by mail. For copies of Commissioners Court Minutes or an Official Record/Excerpt from the Minutes, please contact the Travis County Clerk Minutes Specialist at [email protected].

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