Recording Search + Copies of Records


Starting Monday, February 24th, 2025, most Recording and All Marriage License services will be temporarily relocated to our sub-location at the Civil Family Courthouse, 1700 Guadalupe St., 4th Floor, Suite 4.300, due to unforeseen building maintenance. This relocation will remain in effect until further notice.

Please note that only microfilm copies, research, and plat processing will continue to be available at our Airport location.

Thank you for your understanding.

Search Case Data

Case data from June 1986 to present are online, and images of redacted documents from December 2005 to present are online. Redacted images are those that have had personal identifiers (such as Social Security Numbers) blocked from public view.

    • Hearing dates and times are subject to change and availability. Please contact the court to confirm your date and time.
    • Court case data is updated every 24 hours. It takes about 72 hours for newly filed document images to appear online.

What Documents are Available Online

Record Type Indexes or
Case Data Online*
Date Range of Redacted
Documents Online**
Recording Most Mid 1980’s to present
Misdemeanor January 1981 to present Some documents available online
Civil June 1986 to present December 2005 to present
Probate July 1992 to present November 2009 to present

Indexes list the basic information about the document.

** Redacted images are those that have had personal identifiers (such as Social Security Numbers) blocked from public view.

Costs for Obtaining Copies:

Depending on your needs, you can choose from several different copy services.

Documents Online – We have a significant number of documents that are available online. Copies of online documents printed using your computer are free. These copies will bear an “unofficial copy” watermark.

Electronic Documents Sent by Email – These are uncertified documents that a clerk sends to the customer via email. These copies can be requested by phone, email, or in person. If the documents are in our electronic library, the cost for this service is $1.00 per page. If the documents are on microfilm or paper, the cost is $1.00 per page.

Self Service Copies – These are copies made at our office from electronic images, microfilm, or paper. Copies made on the photocopier are 20 cents per page. Copies made from microfilm printers or computer printers are 25 cents per page.

Copies made by Clerk – These are documents that are made at our office by a clerk. These copies can be requested by phone, email, or in person. The cost for this service is $1.00 per page.

Certified Copies – This is when the Clerk makes the copy and places a stamp on it to certify that it is an accurate and complete reproduction of the original document. Certified copies may be requested by phone, email, or in person. There is a $5.00 per document charge for the certification service plus an additional cost of $1.00 per page.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards. A transaction fee applies to credit card payments: $3.00 for transactions less than $100.00 or 3% for transactions of $100.00 or more.

Costs for Record Searches:

Basic record search of electronic data - A search for one name or business is free plus the cost of copies.

Basic record search of microfilm or paper data - $10.00 per name per ten-year period searched plus the cost of copies.

1981 to present misdemeanor record search - A search for one name which may include up to three AKAs (aliases) is free plus the cost of copies.

Prior to 1981 misdemeanor record search - A search for one name which may include up to three AKAs (aliases) is $10.00 plus the cost of copies. Additional AKAs are $10.00 each.

If you need a special or more in-depth search, our office can provide you an estimate of the cost.

Misdemeanor Court Searches:

Upon request, the Clerk’s Office will perform a search of misdemeanor records in Travis County’s centralized justice system. Customers often refer to this as a “criminal background check.” Please note that our search only includes data on Travis County Class A and B misdemeanors as well as any Class C misdemeanor cases appealed from a municipal or Justice of the Peace Court. No federal or other county Justice of the Peace or municipality misdemeanor records are searched. The data provided from these searches relies on the information obtained and entered into Travis County’s centralized justice computer system. Inaccurate data obtained or inaccurately entered by any office performing data entry in the system will result in erroneous data returned. For the most accurate results, please provide as much identifying information as possible.

When requesting a search of misdemeanor data, please provide the person’s full name and date of birth plus any other identifiers that may assist in locating the correct individual. A certified copy of the findings can be provided after payment has been received.

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