Marriage License


Starting Monday, February 24th, 2025, most Recording and All Marriage License services will be temporarily relocated to our sub-location at the Civil Family Courthouse, 1700 Guadalupe St., 4th Floor, Suite 4.300, due to unforeseen building maintenance. This relocation will remain in effect until further notice.

Please note that only microfilm copies, research, and plat processing will continue to be available at our Airport location.

Thank you for your understanding.

Marriage Licenses


    • Complete a marriage license application;
    • Both parties appear together at the county clerk’s office located at 5501 Airport Boulevard, Austin, TX 78751 once an appointment is scheduled;
    • Provide a proof of identity using documents approved by state law, See list;
    • Not be divorced within the last 30 days (or provide a waiver);
    • Not presently married to someone other than the other applicant;
    • Not related to the other applicant;
    • Be 18 years or older to obtain a marriage license. Effective September 1, 2017, Texas Family Code 2.003 states, A person under the age of 18 years of age may not marry unless the person has been granted by this state or another state a court order removing the disabilities of minority of the person for general purposes.

Marriage License Waiting Period :

There is a required 3-day waiting period between the time a marriage license is obtained and the ceremony (Texas Family Code, Chapter 2, Section 2.204 ). Unless an applicant:

    • Is a member of the armed forces of the United States and on active duty;
    • Performs work for the United States Department of Defense as an employee or contract worker;
    • Obtains a written waiver from a judge of a court with jurisdiction in family law cases, a justice of the supreme court, a judge of the court of criminal appeals, a county judge, or a judge of a court of appeals;
    • Completes a premarital education course described by Texas Family Code Section 2.013 and provides the County Clerk with a course completion certificate indicating completion of the course within one year of the date the marriage license application is filed with the Clerk.

Marriage License Expiration:

    • A marriage license is valid for 89 days from the date it is issued;
    • A marriage license expires if it has not been used before the 90th day after it was issued;
    • If a couple wishes to marry after the expiration date, a new license must be purchased. 

After the Ceremony:

The marriage license must then be returned to the Travis County Clerk’s Office within 30 days from the ceremony date. The license will be recorded into public records and returned to you.
Return Address for completed marriage license:

Recording Division
Travis County Clerk
P.O. Box 149325
Austin, TX 78714


    • $80.00 license fee;
    • $20.00 with completed premarital education course (Texas Twogether Program). Must present certificate at time of issuance of license;
    • A member of the National Guard on federal active duty, or a member of the armed forces of the United States on active duty, who is preparing to be deployed to serve in a hostile fire zone as designated by the United States Secretary of Defense is exempt from marriage license fees.

Special Circumstances:

Texas law does allow certain exceptions to the requirement that both applicants appear before the County Clerk to apply for a marriage license. In such situations, a completed affidavit of absent applicant can be used for the issuance of marriage license.

If you have questions regarding these forms or a situation not described above please contact our office at (512) 854-9188.

Informal Marriage License

The Declaration of Informal Marriage will show the date the couple agreed to be married without having a ceremony.


    • Complete a marriage license application;
    • Both parties appear together at the county clerk’s office located at 5501 Airport Boulevard, Austin, TX 78751 after an appointment is set;
    • Provide a proof of identity using documents approved by state law, See list;
    • Not be divorced within the last 30 days (or provide a waiver);
    • Not related to the other applicant;
    • Both participants must be over 18.

Applicants for informal marriages are asked to sign the following declaration and oath:

“I solemnly swear (or affirm) that we, the undersigned, are married to each other by virtue of the following facts: on or about (date) we agreed to be married, and after that date we lived together as husband and wife and in this state we represented to others that we were married. Since the date of marriage to the other party I have not been married to any other person. This declaration is true and the information in it which I have given is correct.”


    • $45.00 license fee.

See our search page to find marriages and domestic partnerships that have been issued in Travis County.

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