Misdemeanor Resources


Note: The Travis County Clerk’s Office provides the below links as optional resources for those wishing to use them. This list is provided as a courtesy and is not intended to endorse any particular resource nor to serve as a complete list of the resources available.

Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas - www.austinlrs.org

Texas RioGrande Legal Aide - www.trla.org

Travis County Law Library - www.traviscountylawlibrary.org

State Bar of Texas - www.texasbar.com

Texas Law Help - http://texaslawhelp.org

Texas Rules of Civil Procedure - https://www.txcourts.gov/media/1452743/trcp-combined-effective-september-1-2021.pdf

Texas Constitution and Statutes - www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us

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