Civil Protective Orders

Our office gives the processing of protective orders top priority. If you have been the victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, we strongly encourage you to contact the Travis County Attorney’s Office at (512) 854-9415. The following link provides additional information regarding obtaining a protective order: Protective Orders. Listed below are some of the other resources available to you. You are not alone. These are people who understand what you are going through, can listen to your concerns, and can help you find answers.

If you need assistance in finding other legal services, please see our list of Legal Resources.

Additional Resources

Texas Advocacy Project

The Texas Advocacy Project works to prevent domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking throughout Texas through free legal services, access to the justice system, and education. They also operate three statewide toll-free legal hotlines:

Family Violence Legal Hotline
(800) 374-HOPE (Statewide)
(512) 476-5770 (in Austin)

Family Law Hotline
(800) 777-FAIR (Statewide)
(512) 476-1866 (In Austin)

Sexual Assault Legal Hotline
(888) 296-safe (Statewide)
(512) 225-9290 (In Austin)

The SAFE Alliance

SAFE is a merger of Austin Children’s Shelter (ACS) and SafePlace, both long-standing and respected human service agencies that provide services for those experiencing sexual assault and exploitation, child abuse, and domestic violence. SAFE’s goal is ambitious and simple: stop abuse for everyone. contains local, national, and international resources focusing on family violence and sexual assault.

The site includes an information sheet for accessing materials from the lending library and order forms for training materials on personal safety for individuals with disabilities.

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